BEC: 88 hours/??, FAR: 3 hours/??, AUD:0 hours/??, REG: 0 hours/??
I finally finished the Becker Course (way way way behind schedule...but at least I did finish...). I can't believe it took me 88 hours to complete the review course, but I do feel like I learned a lot! Here is how I spent that 88 hours:
*Lightly skim book before each lecture
*Watch the lecture and take notes
*Go back and CAREFULLY read each section
*Do the MCQ for each section until 100% correct
*Go through Flash Cards at least twice for each section
That means I have been through the material at least 3 times, but that does not mean I KNOW the material!! Also, whenever I missed a question, I would carefully read the correct answer as well as the incorrect answers in order to ensure I understood why they were wrong. I actually tended to do this with most questions because Becker did a lot of explaining and I felt like if the info was there, I should pay attention to it. Now I need to go back and really memorize formulas! There seems to be quite a bit of them to keep straight and the way my luck has been going lately, I will be asked to calculate something I can't remember the formula to use...
One last note, I decided to move the exam again to Saturday April 16th at 1:30. I just didn't feel like I was going to be prepared by Monday and I would rather pay a rescheduling fee than pay for a new NTS because I failed...I want to PASS the first time around...
Goal for the next 9 days: MCQ, MCQ, MCQ
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