FAR: 159 hours/Score: 78
AUD: 103 hours/Waiting Begins...
REG: 10 hours/Scheduled 8-31
Total Hours Sacrificed: 383
8 hours of REG lecture and 2 hours of book changes and updates have left me exhausted! I had such a hard time at work today...blah!
Just making a quick post to say it feels great to be studying for my final section and I really hope I can pull this off and pass! I have impressed myself by actually diving right into the material rather than spending 2 weeks avoiding it like I have for the other sections...I just don't have the time to spare this time. REG certainly scares me because it seems as though it has now become the toughest section. I enjoyed my Tax and BLAW courses in college though, so I am hoping I can get through this material ok. Lectures are obviously boring, but I am so accustomed to that by now.
I spent 2 hours updating my entire book with all these little changes...dates, values, wording...it was annoying, but I am thankful Becker keeps on top of changes and corrections in their material. I hope anyone else using their material remembers to update both their program and their book.
Ok, movie night with the hubby...I am taking a break for the evening and then back at it tomorrow...
Ok, movie night with the hubby...I am taking a break for the evening and then back at it tomorrow...
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