"Things turn out the best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out."

September 23, 2011

So much for that...

BEC: 111 hours/Score: 79
FAR: 159 hours/Score: 78
AUD: 103 hours/Score: 74!
AUD Mulligan: 0 hours/Applied for new NTS
REG: 35 hours/Rescheduled
Total Hours Sacrificed: 408

I'm still frustrated about failing Audit. That 74 is hard to just get over...

To make matters worse, my REG NTS expires 11-17. I had hoped to push REG off until 11-30 so that I could squeeze in Audit in a few weeks, but my experience is telling me that that will likely lead to failing both. So I am forced to change my plans yet again and go back to the REG material. I will move my REG exam to the middle of November and I will take Audit as early in January as possible before things really get crazy at work. This is not even close to my original plan, but life happens. When I started this blog I figured I would be wrapping it up about right now...oh well. The journey continues...

September 18, 2011

I'm finally back! (and AUD scores are in...)

BEC: 111 hours/Score: 79
FAR: 159 hours/Score: 78
AUD: 103 hours/Score: 74!
AUD Mulligan: 0 hours/Applied for new NTS
REG: 35 hours/Scheduled 10-1
Total Hours Sacrificed: 408

Wow! Time certainly flew by! I had a lot going on and took a longer than anticipated break from studying. I moved to a new house and have been spending time getting things in order for my new job that I start in 2 weeks!! I am excited and anxious to get that going...

On a different note, Audit scores were posted on Friday night and I was pretty shocked when I checked mine and saw a 74! That stung pretty bad...I have had a couple days to process that in my head now, but it still stings. I think 74 is probably the worst score to get, especially since I felt pretty good about my exam. If there ever was a time when 'almost' should count, a 74 on the CPA Exam should be it! I am confused as to where I went so wrong, but I am going to make sure that I make this next time the last!

I have accepted that I cannot possibly meet my goal of completing this exam before I start at KPMG, so my new goal is to pass all 4 parts within my first year of working there so that I can earn the bonus they offer. I have decided it is best to re-take AUD early in October and push REG off until November. I still can't get into a good rhythm with REG, so perhaps tackling AUD a second time will help me learn how to better prepare for REG too!

I do have to say that if I had to pick a part to re-take, AUD would be it. The information is so important to know and learn, I could really benefit from going back through it all and gaining an even better understanding of the rules. After all, auditing is what I am going to be doing for a career!! On the other hand, that fact makes me feel even worse for failing it...