"Things turn out the best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out."

September 18, 2011

I'm finally back! (and AUD scores are in...)

BEC: 111 hours/Score: 79
FAR: 159 hours/Score: 78
AUD: 103 hours/Score: 74!
AUD Mulligan: 0 hours/Applied for new NTS
REG: 35 hours/Scheduled 10-1
Total Hours Sacrificed: 408

Wow! Time certainly flew by! I had a lot going on and took a longer than anticipated break from studying. I moved to a new house and have been spending time getting things in order for my new job that I start in 2 weeks!! I am excited and anxious to get that going...

On a different note, Audit scores were posted on Friday night and I was pretty shocked when I checked mine and saw a 74! That stung pretty bad...I have had a couple days to process that in my head now, but it still stings. I think 74 is probably the worst score to get, especially since I felt pretty good about my exam. If there ever was a time when 'almost' should count, a 74 on the CPA Exam should be it! I am confused as to where I went so wrong, but I am going to make sure that I make this next time the last!

I have accepted that I cannot possibly meet my goal of completing this exam before I start at KPMG, so my new goal is to pass all 4 parts within my first year of working there so that I can earn the bonus they offer. I have decided it is best to re-take AUD early in October and push REG off until November. I still can't get into a good rhythm with REG, so perhaps tackling AUD a second time will help me learn how to better prepare for REG too!

I do have to say that if I had to pick a part to re-take, AUD would be it. The information is so important to know and learn, I could really benefit from going back through it all and gaining an even better understanding of the rules. After all, auditing is what I am going to be doing for a career!! On the other hand, that fact makes me feel even worse for failing it...


  1. Amy I have been reading your blog..I know its frustrating even I couldn't clear Aud.
    It being my first. I am using wiley.
    Please share your study schedule for Audit.
    Thanks in Advance.

  2. The thing about Audit is that you have to actually understand the material...it's really not a matter of memorizing rules and formulas. That is what really tripped me up I think. I thought I understood things, but that harsh 74 says otherwise...

    My study plan when I re-take Audit will be to focus even more on the practice part of the study process. I plan to review each chapter of the book and take detailed notes. Then do tons of MCQ while taking additional notes. Final review will be condensing my notes and more MCQ. I will not waste any time on the videos the second time around.

    I wish you the best of luck. This is a tough journey, but you can do it!
