"Things turn out the best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out."

January 31, 2011

Studying has Begun...

FAR: 3 hours/??, AUD:0 hours/??, BEC: 0 hours/??, REG: 0 hours/??

So yesterday I started studying for my very first part of the exam, FAR. About 2 hours of the 3 I spent studying were watching tutorials on learning how to use Becker and welcome videos. Then I watched Lecture 1 which guides you through the first 15 pages of the FAR book. It actually seemed to go smoothly and I am optimistic about this week. I am glad I've begun because I felt so anxious about taking that first step and actually having to commit.

My goal is to get through the first section (F1) this week and really get familiar with the topics and material. So far I like Becker and I love that it is designed by accountants!! It is so organized and easy to use :)

January 27, 2011

My Books Arrived!

I love irony! The day I decide to start this blog happens to be the same day my Becker stuff arrives! I have to say that I thought I was going to have the weekend to plan my approach to this whole exam, but Becker certainly has other plans for me...

Ok, just to warn anyone who has never seen the books before, THEY ARE HUGE! The sheer size of them terrifies me and when they are all stacked together it seems impossible. I have certainly lost a little of my excitement to start studying...I guess I just hope I can look back in 6 months at that same stack of books and feel so incredibly happy that I am done!

I am also taking two online accounting classes right now to complete my 150 and I work 32-40 hours a week decorating cakes. I guess it is time to say goodbye to my hobbies and my husband for the next 6 months! Wish me luck because I think I will certainly need a little of it on my side...


Well it is official...I am a blogger as of today! I don't really expect anyone to read this...I created it as a way for me to keep track of my studying and to hold myself accountable when it comes to this Exam. It is a monster and the more I read about it the more terrified I become!

To set the record straight, I sailed through high school and most of college on the ability to cram cram cram...I am betting that most others can say the same of themselves. I graduated this December from UConn with a 3.799 so cramming worked for the most part. I am fully aware that this style of studying will not work for the CPA Exam. That is why I am hoping that this Blog will help me actually commit to studying.

I have ordered the Becker Live Course and start my FastPass classes in March. The order I decided to take the exam is: FAR, AUD, BEC, REG. I am hoping that I will not get discouraged by facing the seemingly most challenging part first. Once my books arrive, I plan to put in a good amount of studying before the classes even start. I just hope that Procrastination does not get the best of me...