"Things turn out the best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out."

June 21, 2011

Seriously?! 2 Down 2 to go!!!!

BEC: 111 hours/Score: 79
FAR: 159 hours/Score: 78
AUD: 17.5 hours/Scheduled 7-11
REG: 0 hours/Scheduled 8-31
Total Hours Sacrificed: 287.5

So I was at work today and all I could think about was my FAR score and I literally checked it every 20 minutes on my iPhone. At around 10 am I checked it again not expecting to see a score and there it was! I couldn't believe my eyes and had a coworker check and sure enough, a passing score of 78 had been posted!! I just can't believe I passed both BEC and FAR on my first try and I am half way to becoming a CPA!! I don't think it has really sunk in yet...

I am really amped to tackle AUD now as I feel like this material is much easier to grasp than BEC or FAR. I just realized that my goal of completing this exam before I start at KPMG is still possible!!! WOW!

To anyone else that received scores and passed, CONGRATS in a big big way! And for those that didn't pass, know that you aren't alone...an awesome forum (another71.com) is filled with others who have struggled along the way and is a great resource I have used since before starting this blog...

June 20, 2011


BEC: 111 hours/Score: 79
FAR: 159 hours/(Time to pray a lot!)
AUD: 17.5 hours/Scheduled 7-11
REG: 0 hours/Scheduled 8-31
Total Hours Sacrificed: 287.5

OMG I passed BEC! I checked my score this evening and am in disbelief that I actually passed!! That means 1 down and 3 to go by 10/16/2012! I will conquer this exam after all :)

I am hoping for FAR scores tomorrow and am feeling much better about looking at that one...pass or fail, I am ready to know! At least I know I didn't fail both sections... 

Good luck to anyone else waiting on their scores and congrats to those who received good news!


BEC: 111 hours/(Time to pray)
FAR: 159 hours/(Time to pray a lot!)
AUD: 14.5 hours/Scheduled 7-11
REG: 0 hours/Scheduled 8-31
Total Hours Sacrificed: 284.5

First off, I can't believe it has been over two weeks since I have blogged! That should be a good indicator that I was too busy studying to update this blog, but of course that is not the case at all! I could honestly come up with a million excuses as to why I am behind yet again, but I won't even bother...truth is I am back on track and that is what counts!

I finished Lectures for A-1 through A-4 very very slowly in the last 2 weeks and will finish A-5 tonight. That gives me 3 weeks for all the homework, flashcards and notes. I have a good feeling about this section and really like the way Becker (Tim) is presenting the information. Way way better than BEC and of course I am not nearly as overwhelmed as I was with the FAR material. I feel like I may actually pull off a passing score in this section...

Other things going on this week:

Scores should be coming out sometime this week! I am not sure how to feel about that...I mean, I want to know obviously, but I don't want to face reality if I didn't pass...
I'll share as soon as I know...

Also, I have been working a lot more in the last few weeks and expect that to continue through August. This is a super busy and often stressful time of year for a cake decorator. Tons of graduation, wedding, holiday and summer orders to keep up with...I do like my job, don't get me wrong, but on top of studying and life, I could do without mishaps and annoyed customers...and the more orders you have, the more things can and do go wrong..

Just for fun, here is a cake a made last week:

Strawberry and Chocolate Ice Cream in an Oreo Sugar Cone (This is actually 24 cupcakes!) 

June 2, 2011

Audit, I LOVE you!

BEC: 111 hours/(Time to pray)
FAR: 159 hours/(Time to pray a lot!)
AUD: 4.5 hours/Scheduled 7-11
REG: 0 hours/Scheduled 8-31
Total Hours Sacrificed: 274.5

Ok, well maybe I am getting ahead of myself, but Audit seems like such a nice change from BEC and FAR! I really liked my Audit course in college and did well. I had a pretty good professor who had spent many years of his career as a partner for a Big 4 Firm, so it really helped when he explained how this stuff actually works in the "real" world...I also did a 3 month internship at KPMG, so I can even apply some of this stuff to my actual experience and that helps a lot! I am only through the lectures for A-1, but I am getting my motivation back!

I am still bummed about my experience so far with this exam and now having to wait on my scores is terrible...I have to say I fully expected to pass all 4 parts on my first try and now I have had a really GIANT reality check! It does help to know that passing all 4 parts is the "exception" rather than the norm, but I (like everyone else I am sure) obviously wanted to be the exception...

I can say this, if I happened to pass one of the two I took rather than neither, please oh please let it be BEC because I hated studying for that and taking it : ( I feel like if I gave FAR another solid round and really practiced the next time, I could have a high chance of passing...but with BEC, I feel like no matter how well I prepare, there is just so much stuff from outer space on there, it is random luck every time...

So here's hoping for 2 passing scores in a few weeks, but I am prepared for the worst...