"Things turn out the best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out."

March 13, 2011

More Blah...

BEC: 39 hours/??, FAR: 3 hours/??, AUD:0 hours/??, REG: 0 hours/??
WOW...how do people actually do this more than once? I mean, I am loathing this entire process and everything about it that I am incredibly motivated to PASS on my first try! Having said that, I don't doubt many people have felt that way and then didn't pass...I feel for ya because that would suck suck suck!

Ok, as for my weekend...again I lost Saturday because of work and online classes and I lost an hour because of stinkin daylight saving time...I still managed 7.5 hours today:

I finished the Supplemental questions that I gave up on for BEC-2 and felt much much better about them. I was thinking more clearly and was able to work through them, only missing 5 of 36. I am happy with that! A few I missed because I didn't TiT (Think it Through) or RTCDQ (Read the Cocka-Doody Question). I love these acronyms btw!! Many fellow CPAs and Candidates over at http://www.another71.com/cpa-exam-forum/ mention these all the time. (I am totally a stalker of this great great forum!)

Then I watched the lectures for BEC-3. BLAH is all I can say! The information was overwhelming and I am hoping I am able to sort through it all and get through the questions earlier this week so I can get through BEC-4 lectures and questions by Sunday. I do like Becker lectures with Peter better than Mike. I think he does a much better job going through the material and keeping my interest...

I am also really feeling the pressure of the deadline rapidly approaching! I have 3 weeks from tomorrow to get fully prepared. I am scared that just isn't enough time, but I may never feel like I've had enough time to prepare...at some point I just have to face this thing (April 4th to be exact!).


  1. If anyone can pass the exam in 6 months, it's Amy Ewalt!

    -The CPA God (Ricky Martin)

  2. Thanks for the encouragement! I certainly need it lately...
